Live Your Culture

Create a positive work culture that drives high performance

We help bring out the best version of your company so you can bring out the best of your people.

See how Drumbeat works in action.
30-minute call.

Build an effective, people-first culture.

We’re already seeing the benefits. We feel more aligned than ever and we feel like we are doing our best work right now.

Nick Iovacchini
Founder, KettleOS

Drumbeat was pivotal for the next phase of all that we will accomplish at Remedy.

Cindy Kasindorf
Founder, Remedy Organics

Drumbeat's culture work was transformational by helping us more effectively connect our mission to the work we do on a daily basis. Getting culture right at a start-up is so important to success, and Drumbeat's system had a big impact for us.

Evan Scwhartz
Co-Founder, Aloe Care

Transform your culture from an aspiration to reality.

We help you stand out with a distinct culture advantage:

  • Attract top-tier talent with a clear and compelling culture
  • Improve produtivity through awareness and alignment at all levels 
  • Build trust by following through on your culture promises
  • Create a sense of belonging, connection, and ownership
  • Foster engagement by connecting employees to the vision
  • Build clarity around norms, behaviors, and expectations

A strong organizational culture drives a 50% increase in employee engagement.

"The only way you get an 'A' company culture is to create it at the start, and preserve it."
- Reid Hoffman


Results-oriented culture consulting that follows through.

Build a strong culture foundation and help it resonate company-wide over 12 transformative weeks with collaborative, virtual sessions.

  • 8 weekly leadership sessions (12 hours)
  • 4 weekly employee sessions (6 hours)
  • Dedicated culture facilitator does all the heavy-lifting
  • Live & collaborative format
  • Perfect for hybrid teams. 100% online
How it works

Your ideal workplace culture has never been more attainable

At Drumbeat, we apply the latest findings from positive psychology and organizational science to operationalize your unique company culture for maximum impact.

Bring your culture to life by aligning on key culture assets and  behaviors with the Culture Guide.

  • Purpose & Vision
  • Values & Strategy
  • Shared behaviors
  • Co-created with employees

Embed your unique culture into your key employee touchpoints with the Culture Plan.

  • Hiring
  • Onboarding
  • One-on-ones
  • Development conversations
  • Performance reviews

Drive action and track impact over time with ongoing measurement.

  • Before/After 
  • Industry standards
  • See immediate impact
How it works

12 transformational weeks, one bite-sized session at a time.

Forget one-off workshops that inspire you in the moment but take you nowhere, or open-ended culture projects that feel like a perpetual work in progress.

We designed an engaging culture consulting journey that steadily builds momentum over 12 weeks, taking you all the way from aspirations to operations.

Week 1:
Establish your culture baseline Culture Audit
  • Share your culture aspirations and pinpoint the obstacles that have prevented you from achieving your goals.
  • Use your baseline to guide priorities and define desired outcomes over the coming 12 weeks.
Weeks 2-8:
Develop foundational culture skills and assets
  • 8 Leadership Sessions
  • Create your culture foundation: align your leadership team and culture stakeholders around your inspiring purpose, tangible vision, keystone values, and keystone strategies.
  • Bring everything to life with concrete behaviors: illustrate how your unique culture can help people make everyday decisions.

Takeaway: Culture Guide first draft summarizing your culture assets, shared behaviors, and outcomes of weeks 1-8.

Weeks 9-10:
Unlock a powerful common ground with your employees
  • 4 Employee Sessions
  • Drive buy-in with personal reflections: help employees find personal meaning in your unique company culture and align it with their aspirations and values.
  • Drive belonging with team connection: help employees learn about their own strengths and values, as well as those of their colleagues.
  • Give employees a voice: update the Culture Guide in real-time with employee input.

Takeaway: Culture Guide final draft co-created with employee feedback.

Weeks 11-12:
Operationalize your culture into tangible employee touchpoints

A culture expert translates your unique journey outcomes into an actionable plan detailing custom strategies to drive meaningful change across key employee touchpoints and shared behaviors:

  • Hiring
  • Onboarding
  • One-on-ones
  • Development conversations
  • Performance reviews

Takeaway: Culture Plan outlining path forward for embedding into employee touchpoints and operationalizing behaviors.

After Week 12:
Keep learning and improving with ongoing measurement
  • Track the impact of your Culture Plan over time.
  • Benchmark your culture to industry standards.
  • Make high-impact, evidence-based adjustments.

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