Drumbeat Manager Platform

Equip your managers to confidently lead more engaged teams

Give your managers live support and practical tools to grow their leadership skills, take evidence-based action, measure their progress, and continuously refine their approach.

See how Drumbeat works in action.
30-minute call.
Drumbeat Coaching

Managers account for over 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores.

Drumbeat Coaching

Drumbeat’s Manager Platform is unique. Not only is it easy to access and cost-effective, it truly meets managers where they’re at and provides just-in-time resources based on the latest science from leadership studies and wellbeing at work. I honestly haven’t seen anything like this on the market.

Andrew Soren
Founder and CEO at Eudaimonic by Design

“I really like the coaching sessions and the breakout time with the other participants. We have been able to connect quickly through the program and it feels genuine.”

“I loved learning from Alex and Andrew. Both are very knowledgeable, base their recommendations on research and are very approachable. They made me feel welcome and excited for the next session.”

“It’s good to receive real time feedback and commentary, it makes me feel more accountable. The online resources are very helpful – something I can take action on and test right away.”

How it works

Managers are your company’s most powerful growth multiplier

Your managers hold the key to your company’s potential. But are they disconnected from the resources they need to thrive in their roles? Our Manager Platform connects them to all the resources they need to lead.

Company leaders often focus their resources inefficiently.

Grow your managers. Grow your teams. Grow your company.

in this order:
  1. Our platform grows your managers into their best (leadership) selves and helps them effectively meet their teams’ needs.
  2. Your managers grow thriving teams that feel engaged, heard, connected, and motivated to do their best work.
  3. Your teams grow your bottom line through better collaboration, boosted innovation, and higher productivity.

Which of the following changes would most improve your life right now?


Created specifically for managers

We blend research in positive psychology and organizational science with an engaging, fun process designed to foster deep team connections.

Group coaching with a carefully matched peer group
  • Expert-led coaching sessions, aligned to manager-chosen goals
  • One-on-one access to coach for continuous feedback and support
  • Ongoing peer support with like-minded community of managers

Access to robust tools to lead effectively
  • Downloadable guides & templates for all key employee touch points
  • Easy-to-implement, science-based action prompts for individual needs
  • Measurement tools to track and improve progress over time

When your managers are great, the whole organization wins – and vice versa. 

Unlike other solutions, we treat learning as a process that goes beyond one-off workshops and trainings. We focus on the entire learning journey.
One simple manager platform with all the resources they need to lead.
$1,800 per manager
For the full program.

‍Volume discount pricing available.
The expert coaching they need to grow

Managers learn foundational leadership skills and relevant tactical approaches through expert-led coaching sessions with a carefully matched peer group.

The easy-to-use guidance they need to take effective action

Our Digital Coach prompts managers to take science-based actions that effectively address issues employees are grappling with in-the-moment.

The blueprints they need to create a healthy work culture

Our science-based guides and templates help managers consistently approach hiring, onboarding, one-on-ones, and personal growth conversations with culture in mind.

The safe spaces they need to gauge how things are really going

An expert facilitates team culture sessions between managers and employees that dig deeper than standard engagement surveys and drive more impactful action.

The tools they need to consistently track and improve their impact 

Managers assess their personal growth with self-rating tools and understand how their actions drive impact with team-rating tools.

Connect your managers to…
  • Like-minded peers
  • Dedicated experts 
  • Their employees
  • The latest evidence-based strategies
The leaders they aspire to be.

Grow your managers.
Grow your teams.
Grow your company.

Our platform grows your managers into their best (leadership) selves and helps them effectively meet their teams’ needs.
Your managers grow thriving teams that feel engaged, heard, connected, and motivated to do their best work.
Your teams grow your bottom line through better collaboration, boosted innovation, and higher productivity.