Get the Essential

One-on-One Guide (with Free Template!)

Research shows that when a manager neglects their employees and doesn’t have regular one-on-ones, employees are 4x more likely to be disengaged.

That's why we created this Essential One-on-One Guide which will be the only resource you need to keep your one-on-ones flowing smoothly. Included in the guide is a link to a free one-on-one template that is fillable and copyable, so you can reuse the template over and over again and make sure you always have a proven, repeatable and effective structure.

Included in the Essential One-on-One Guide:
Meeting structure with effective questions to ask
Best practices backed by research
Free, fillable template you can copy and reuse for all of your one-on-ones
Drumbeat illustration

One-on-ones should not take a back seat to any other management techniques or because of a heavy workload.

If your goals include high performing, productive, and engaged team members, prioritizing effective one-on-ones is a sure fire way to achieve this. One-on-ones provide incredibly important opportunities for managers to engage in regular conversation with their employees. But if one-on-ones aren’t done right, they can lose value and importance, and will often get rescheduled, put off, or even canceled altogether in the shuffle of everyday work life.