Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most common questions our clients need to know about Drumbeat.

The behaviors of highly engaged teams drive 23% more profitability.

Manager Platform

Can I purchase the Manager Platform for just some of my team? 
How much do the Manager Programs cost?
Do we need to leverage all of the Manager Platform tools?
Do you offer custom leadership training for organizations?
How do you measure impact?

General questions

Is the Culture Consulting offering right for my company?
When is the right time to invest in this?
How does your pricing work?
I already have an HR tool… does it make sense to invest in this too?

Culture Consulting

We’re really busy… how time intensive is it?
How is it different from other culture consulting offerings?
How do you measure impact?
How does this work translate to the bottom line?

Sign up for product updates and culture insights.

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